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Mellbimbo hozzászólások
moderator #1
Ezt nagy teljesítményűt már lehet ütni vágni. xd
matekoora #4
azonkívül, hogy kibaszott rusnya a plusz 30kg, főleg egy fiatal nőn, szal...még egészségtelen is.
Tehát az ilyen zsírdisznók 2 hazugságot is be kell, hogy beszéljenek maguknak: azt, hogy szépek így, ahogy vannak és egészségesek.Szal lelki betegek is, megoldás pedig annyi lenne, hogy kevesebbet zabálnak és futnak egy tömböt.Az emberi gyengeség határtalan.
deepandbeat #7
ez kicsit sincs az egészségtelenség határán. gondolom te olyan kibaszott kockás hasú kisportolt csávó lehetsz matekoora
matekoora #8
#7 Bioszból megbuktál igaz?Vagy csak suttyóskodni jártatok a haverokkal helyette.Nem panaszkodom egyébként, meg sportolok is, ettől függetlenül simán magamra tudnék még zabálni akárhány kg-t gond nélkül, de nekem jobb a béke.Lelkileg is és testileg is.
(Régi motoros)
Growing up in the foster care system was an adventure to say the least. A lot of kids enter at different ages, I was one of the unlucky ones, I was in the system pretty much all my life. As hard as it was, the worst part was the feeling of not being good enough. I would move to a home, and about the time I would meet friends and get half way adjusted, the system would move me somewhere else http://bestfreepornsites.pro/ . Most kids that were put in the system as young as I was usually end up being adopted. Unfortunately, I was different, and no one wanted to accept the full responsibility of taking care of me.

I was doomed from conception. My mother was the daughter of a Southern Baptist minister. She had been a fine upstanding girl until she went to college. While in college, she became addicted to Cocaine which led to heroin and meth. She dropped out of school after her second semester because she was on the verge of being kicked out. Because of her addictions, her father disowned her, leaving her homeless http://hotmyfreecams.com .

Eventually, as so many other young female drug addicts, my mother took to the streets. She turned tricks to feed her demons. She met a guy, and they were married. Her husband would pimp her out, take her money and give her just enough drugs to keep her wanting more. Eventually she got pregnant. When she was far enough along that she began to show, her husband kicked her out.
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